This guide will assist you as you prepare academic essays for your course assignments. If you continue to struggle with any or all of these steps, please know that our online custom essay service is always available to provide you with expert assistance.

Phase 1:  Conduct the Research

You have no right to produce an essay without having completed some significant research on the topic. Your essay is going to put forward what you have learned and the analysis you have conducted in order to posit a thesis that has merit. No thesis has merit without information and data to support it, and that is the purpose of the research! 

You might begin with an Internet search using a variety of keywords related to your topic. Here you will discover huge numbers of source materials listed − books, periodicals, articles, and, often the articles and presentations produced by others, in total. If you can find original expert writing from this search, by all means read them, take notes, and be certain that your provide credit to the author!  Otherwise, make a list of the most relevant source materials, and then go to the library and find them! Yes, you may read irrelevant material, but good research necessitates finding only those sources that directly relate.

Phase 2:  Analyze and organize your research

Read through your research notes. Some of them will be salient; others may be irrelevant or not supported by any other research you find. Which resource backs up its points with reliable factual data and which is merely someone's unsupported opinion. Careful analysis will allow you to narrow your source materials to those that are credible and valid, and it will then allow you to develop your own thesis and focus for the essay.

Phase 3:  Organize your own thoughts toward a fresh approach

All effective essays should include the writer's own thoughts and points-of-view, supported, of course, by the research. Come up with your individual point-of-view, your own potential solutions to a problem, or your own explanations for phenomena to be addressed.

Phase 4:  Construct your thesis Step

Your thesis statement synthesizes the point-of-view, the solutions, or the explanations that you developed in phase 3. You should be able to writer your thesis in a single clear statement. If you cannot, then your thesis is not fully “baked” yet. Keep at this until you can write a simple clear sentence, and you will have the focus for you entire essay! 

Phase 5:  construct an Outline

If you do not prepare an outline for presentation of your content, your final product will be disjointed and incoherent. Each sub-topic must be addressed as a separate part of your essay, but, at the same time, transition into the next sub-topic. The order in which you place your sub-topics, moreover, can be important as well. Perhaps the most effective way is to have a strong sub-topic area at the beginning and the end, and fill the middle body with the less important ones.

Phase 6:  Develop your Introduction

You want to prepare an introduction that presents your thesis clearly and succinctly. As well, you want to be creative, in order to engage your reader immediately. Beginning with some little known but shocking fact, some anecdotal inclusion, etc. is often effective. 

If you are having trouble with your introduction, leave it for the moment and come back later. Or, you can contact our professional custom writing service for assistance.

Phase 7:  The Body Paragraphs

For shorter works, each paragraph should introduce one sub-topic with a strong topic sentence and supporting detail. For longer and more complex works, a sub-topic may require several paragraphs.  Do not fail to give credit to your sources carefully, for you will otherwise face charges of plagiarism. 

Our professional custom writing services can provide you an expert topic specialist to construct an original essay for you, based upon your topic and focus. Do not struggle if your composition skills are lacking. Get a professional quality custom essay from

Phase 8:  Writing the Conclusion

In general, your conclusion is a re-statement of your thesis and a summary of the evidence that you presented. You may not add new information, but you certainly may ask your reader to agree with you or call your reader to some action.

Writing conclusions are often difficult, without sufficient experience. You can always contact our professional custom writing service, upload your paper, and allow us to prepare the perfect conclusion to your essay!

Phase 9:  Review Your Formatting

Your format and citation style must adhere to your professor's requirements. All sources must be accurately cited, both in-text and end-of-text. APA and MLA styles are most common.

If you are unsure about the details of the required format, please contact us for a very cheap formatting price. We will insert the appropriate and accurate citations.

Phase 10:  Edit and Proofread Your Essay

It is time now to study your entire essay for several things. First, you will want to review the work in its entirety, to determine structural soundness, logical flow, and effectiveness of content and focus. Once you have refined all of this, you will then review it for sentence structure, grammar usage, and mechanics. Again, this is often difficult for students whose composition skills may not be excellent. Best-Essays-Cheap can provide editing and proofreading within a very short time frame.  Just contact us and place your order!

Professional Assistance is Available Here

We know that scholarly essay writing is a skill that only comes through practice. If you are not practiced enough and expert assistance, you can offer professional custom term papers from us that will be original and produced per your instructions. You can buy writing help at any level from and always get a professionally qualified writer.