Category: Psychology

Stress is a state of mental turbulence that arises due to various challenges ranging from physical and psychological to social challenges. In cases where it is not treated accordingly, stress may result into devastating health consequences. There are various bodily mechanisms that result into stress in individuals. These stress mechanisms determine the management mechanism that will be adopted for the particular resultant stress. When an individual experiences a feeling of threat or shock, various reactions will be adopted to counter the state. For example, Bickerstaff (2007), opines that in a stressful event, for example, in terrorist attack the body will induce various reactions. Initially, the body will produce various hormones that will further result to various reactions to counter the threat. The hormones can either result into a counter retaliatory attack in cases of threat or an escape. An example of hormones that are released in the event of threat and shock is the adrenaline. The second mechanism of stress emanates from thoughts resulting due to various challenges. These include insufficiency that may include financial constraints leading to mental unrest, strains emanating from work overloads among others.

Stress initially results from physiological reasons stipulating bodily reactions to environmental conditions. For example, in instances of fear, the body reactions may include loss of body weight among others. Secondly, stress can result due to environmental factors. These include the challenges and constraints resulting from daily surrounding. For instance, noisy environment may create conditions for studying be to unfavorable, hence, inducing situations of unrest. In addition, stress can emanate from organizational factors. In organizations, various work related issues may cause mental turbulence to employees. Conflicts resulting from disagreement in goals and roles are common in the day to day operations of organizations. Similarly, strain in the organization also contributes to high level of stress. Owing to excessive obligations in the organization, employees may experience strain that will further cause stress. In addition, when employees fail to achieve objectives of the organization, stressful conditions may result due to frustrations. Adamson (2010), asserts that social circumstances also result into stressful conditions. Social life entails various ties between people in the society. Family is another factor that may present challenges of psychological character. Conflicts resulting from misunderstanding in the families cause mental turbulence to individuals. Finally, stress can also result from certain significant occurrences in an individual's life. These include certain chronic diseases causing a series of complications in one's life, the demise of beloved, losing a parent etc.

In order to counter stress in the society, various mechanisms can be adopted. In cases stress results from social factors like disagreements in relationships, various cancelling strategies can be adopted so as to create mental peace. This can also be applied in events when persons lose their beloved ones. Similarly, in treating mental stress, various mechanisms can be put in place. These will involve adopting positive thinking. Constant thought of uncertainties and other negative outcomes, like past failures often cause stressful conditions that further lead to a depression. These negative thoughts when avoided regain rest of one's mind. In curbing mental stress, sharing of challenges should be encouraged. When one strives to seek indulgence from various persons, he increases the chances of having the constraints solved. Individuals experiencing stressful circumstances should, therefore, be encouraged to share out the challenges. Finally, various medications, plant and flower extracts can be applied for successful treatment of stress. The plant and flower extracts are infused to create an aroma which when inhaled allows for muscles relaxation. Geter (2012), agrees that the extracts can also be used in massaging joints and muscles to relieve tension owing to stress and achieve relaxation. Some of the oils that can be used in the massage are bergamot or lavender. Secondly, hypnotherapy can be used in treating stress and anxiety conditions. This method involves the use of hypnosis to relieve the unconscious mind and allow for positive transformations in the life of an individual. Individuals, exposed hypnotized, in most cases feel very relaxed, hence making the treatment to be effective in releasing stress and anxiety. Finally, general massage as one of the most widespread natural treatments can be adopted in the curbing stress. Gentle deep tissue massage is always adopted in order to stimulate circulation, besides, allowing for a reduction in muscular tension

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